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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Fancy, frilly scarf - Breast Cancer

This is a fancy, frilly scarf that you can wear all year round!  It's super soft and will show off your breast cancer awareness!  50% of the proceeds from this scarf will go to the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation!

Price:  $15.00

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Baby doll blanket - multicolored

Here is my first blanket attempt!  Unfortunately, it turned out a bit small, so it would be perfect for a baby doll!

Measures approximately 19" x 24".

Price:  $25.00

Payment by check, email QuickPay, or PayPal. 

Please post below if interested or if you have questions!  If you like this design, but would like it in a different color or just bigger (pricing will change), I can do that!

Border detail.

Not the best lighting (sorry!)

Baby Blanket - seafoam green

Here is the first of many blankets to come!  This blanket is approximately 31" x 31" square.  

Price:  $45.00

Payment by check, email QuickPay, or PayPal.

Please post below if you are interested or have questions.

Border detail.
Not the best lighting (sorry).


Welcome to my new blog!  Here is where I will post my crochet and knit creations for sale.  Proceeds from every project will be divided between the rescue animals I take in (50%) and my upcoming trip to Australia (50%).  Rescues like Jake Ryan, who recently passed away from hemangiosarcoma, will benefit from your generosity and you'll get something in return:  a handcrafted something or other!

Please let me know if you have any questions on any of the products or prices.  In addition, if you have a request for a project, please let me know as well - I'm quite willing to try nearly anything at this point!

- Karie